
Human Design: Discovering Your Life Purpose

Original price was: $880.00.Current price is: $660.00.

I was born to investigate deeply and navigate the steps to discover my life purpose which leads me to be designed to help you discover yours. Discovering Your Life Purpose is a very logical way to get clarity, find purpose, and stop chasing shiny objects for those who are seeking a blueprint to follow when the pressing question, “what Am I doing here?” percolates.  I only WISH Human Design would have landed on my lap at 18 years of age instead of the ripe age of 28.  However the mystic in me will say, it was divine timing.  This magnificent tool can be used in many ways when we are on this path. We can begin peeling the layers, recalibrate, choose a better, correct, even new path. It all depends on the fork in the road where you and I meet.  We may tilt back a bit but it will be just at the right degree to get you back on track. I promise huge revelations or soft spotlights providing just the right clarity to begin the process as the question has now become your obsession.  Yes or yes? I strongly believe that no person can tell you, the creator of your own reality, who you are meant to be.  Given the fact that I live my life ON PURPOSE every day is a great testimonial that you can find Human Design to be a great tool to help YOU navigate, understand, and explore the different aspects of yourself AND ignite within your passion and purpose.  I LITERALLY created my purpose by living out my unique design, and so can YOU.  I want to shed some of those years it took me searching and offer you a blueprint wherein you can find tangible answers and live more and question yourself less. You can be 18 or 75! Finding your purpose not just sheds the aging process but rejuvenates your soul. Human Design is founded on principles Astrology, the Chinese I’Ching, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakras, the Tree of life from the Zohar/Kabbalist Traditions, Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Genetics, Biochemistry, and – – yours truly – – a human design analyst to personalize and translate all of its complexities into tangible practical language that you can relate to without the years of studying it.  You will receive deep, insightful, informative, comprehensible, and digestible in a recorded MP3 format. Delivered digitally to keep as a reference, for life. Included with this product you will receive (1) a Personalized Body Graph Chart (based on the exact date, time, and place of birth you will provide me with); (2) a complimentary 1:1 (30 Minute) Soul Coaching Session (valued at $95.00) to share, clarify any questions that may arise after you have masticated and digested your life purpose, or as a follow- up session. I am pretty thorough, so we may just use this time to dance and affirm that which deeply has resided in your Soul waiting to be freed.  However, if you have any questions about your MP3 – Themed Human Design Analysis Report, of course, I will be happy to discuss it!

Availability: 365 in stock

SKU: 060 Category:

DISCOVERING YOUR LIFE PURPOSE is a themed analysis report to embark on a magical carpet ride wherein I investigate deeply on your behalf and help you navigate all those conundrums you have when you wonder, what is my life purpose?  I offer you a clear, logical, and Condor’s eye view of the VERY REASON YOU ARE HERE.

You see, I was born to investigate deeply and navigate the steps to discover my own life purpose which leads me to be SPECIFICALLY designed to help you discover yours. Discovering Your Life Purpose is MY MASTERPIECE and your solution to stop chasing shiny objects because I have a pretty good blueprint to shed light and help you answer the ever-present, constant nagging question that percolates more often than you would like, “what Am I doing here?”.

I wish Human Design would have landed on my lap at 18 years of age instead of the ripe age of 28.  However the mystic in me will say, it was divine timing. Yes or yes? I strongly believe that no person can tell you, the creator of your own reality, who you are meant to be, not even a psychic -e-hem- unless they are a human design analyst (wink).  All joking aside, I do find that Human Design to be a great tool to help you navigate, understand, and explore the different aspects of yourself, to ignite within your passion and purpose.  You can be 18 or 75 and never come here! Finding your purpose not just sheds the aging process but rejuvenates your soul. Human Design is founded on principles of Astrology, the Chinese I’Ching, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakras, the Tree of life from the Zohar/Kabbalist Traditions, Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Genetics, and Biochemistry.  You and I will receive deep, insightful, informative, comprehensible, and digestible information; all recorded on an MP3 file, delivered digitally, to keep as a reference, for life.  Included with this product you will receive (1) a Personalized Body Graph Chart (based on the exact date, time, and place of birth); (2) a complimentary 1:1 (30 Minute) Soul Coaching Session (valued at $95.00) after you have had an opportunity to hear your MP3 so that I may answer any questions you may feel inspired to ask; based on the report, assessment, and tools given to you to fulfill your understanding of your unique human design.

The 1:1 Session is scheduled within 30 days after delivery of your MP3 Human Design Report either later/sooner (depending on your uniqueness and how you integrate the information, based on your design).  The report is delivered 10 days after you provide Liz with your birth details.  I pride myself on ‘over-delivery, your 1:1 may just be used to exhale, plan your future in right-relationship, so bring pen and paper! Because we will get busy.  It brings me great satisfaction to be the catalyst that peels the layers and watches you fly.


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