full moon, moon, full

Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse

There is something prophetic about this Lunar Eclipse which is going to act like a guiding light for all of us.  Lately we have been through a series of Lunar and Solar Eclipses.  Yes, they come often but not nearly as frequent as of late.  Being in the business of soul evolution, I assisted some amazing individuals open up the Lion’s Gate Portal which was under a lunar eclipse on August 7 of 2017.  It was part of a series of a Lunar Eclipse, and a Solar Eclipse Trilogy that assisted those that were ready to become better versions of themselves.  There is a reason why I don’t host each and every single Moon Cycle (some you can do on your own), however there are others that are so powerful that one needs to tread carefully and take note on the power behind words, intention, and sayings like “be careful what you wish” or “as above, so below”.  This is where I step into my fullness and assist you to get on that surfboard and ride that cosmic wave to get you to the shore safely (instead of getting tumbled by Nature’s tides and waves).  Have you ever dabbled in some ‘magic’ or ‘ritual’ and grown shy to ever try that ‘evil’ thing again because your results were less than desired?  There is a right way and a scary way (never a wrong way) to co-create and set intentions under the mystic power of Grandmother Moon.

Observing what unfolds around the Eclipse and being open to what themes or lessons present themselves could prove to be very insightful for the year ahead and as we move through this series of Blood Moons (next Blood Moon Eclipse’s are July 27-28th and January 20-21, 2019).  We gain momentum of soul evolution and truly expand our awareness.  This is our time, you know who you are because you are reading this.

In order to really harness this energy and to stay open to it, I hold these circles to support your intentions and help you tune into your heart’s desire.

Blue Moon/ Lunar Eclipse Despacho Ceremony

On January 31, 2018, El Despacho in Reseda, California will open its doors @ 6:00pm for a moon circle gathering honoring the Blue Moon/ Lunar Eclipse, followed by a Despacho Ceremony. Circle begins at 6:30pm and ends at 9pm. El Despacho in Reseda, California is a private residence. Only those who pay in advance will be disclosed the exact location of our gathering to honor the sacred space.


So what are our elements? What are you working on? Your personal intentions? And, would you like to attend (because you need help, clarity, support)? I am a firm believer there is a magical frequency in numbers.  As a facilitator, I enjoy counting the attendees in circle because that tells me A LOT of what and why we are all here showing up as a collective.  When we have a collective then we are powerful in numbers and there is opportunity to practice AYNI, reciprocity.  To hold space for one another, respecting our wishes and intentions.  Power in Numbers.

On January 31, 2018, we have a planetary alignment of a Cancer Moon, the influence of Leo, Ceres, The power of a 2nd full moon under a 28 day lunar cycle which we refer as a Blue/Blood Moon, and the energy of a Lunar Eclipse.  So let’s break it down:  Cancer Moon is a theme of home, family, mothering, nurturing, parenting, emotions.  Cancer is a VERY emotional sign and this Lunar Eclipse just heightens our issues as well as assists us in the power to attract these themes into our lives.  The Moon is focused on emotions, sensitivity, intuition, domestic life, responsibility.  We also have the planet Ceres which carries a lot of feminine aspects concentrating on the reproductive organs of the female body.  She is the Goddess of Grain, harvest, natural resources and environment bringing us the independent woman and the modern mother.  So we have lots of polarities between the traditional mother (the Moon) and the modern mother (Ceres).  This is a great time to release, unleash, as well as set intentions towards healing broken relationships between mother/child; female reproductive issues; family bonds and relationships.  Finally, we have the Lunar Eclipse, which is the time to invoke personal growth, spiritual development, healing magic.  A great time to invoke the Goddess that resides within.  A highlighted aspect of this January’s Blue Moon is dealing with health issues and specifically of women’s reproductive issues.  Loving our bodyparts!

The benefits of attending one of my Moon Circles is that I personally guide you.  We will be working on a releasing ritual to help you tune into the future. I assist you in feeling grounded, centered, shielded and watch over you so that you don’t self-sabotage any intentions you have but give you the gift of certainty.  Until you are ready and want to try it by yourself.

Lunar Eclipses are always about releasing. When a Lunar Eclipse comes a long, usually it brings with it a theme of letting go and endings. While this Lunar Eclipse will be no different, it is also going to open a doorway into the future as well.

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Picture of Liz Saal de Casas

Liz Saal de Casas

A multifaceted soul on a mission to ignite the inner fire of empowerment and healing within each individual she encounters. A born Psychic, Healer, Teacher and Soul Coach Liz draws upon her innate gifts and ancestral wisdom to guide others on their journey of self-discovery and transformation. As a facilitator and host of the Red Tent Lady Code, Liz creates sacred space where women can gather, connect, and explore the depths of their feminine essence.

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