flowers, tulips, pink

Vernal Equinox~ Planting The Seeds of Our Becoming

For the past couple of weeks, I have been fighting this energy zap that I have to say comes to me more often than I would like to admit.  Yes, I too am on my own spiritual path.  I consider myself a student of life and teacher of masses because I have learned that it is very much a conduit of how I bring the medicine to my tribe.  Most of you know, I use Human Design as one of my tools to assist my clients on their own spiritual journey.  Human Design entered my Universe about fifteen years ago but I awakened and integrated this tool into my spiritual toolbox about 8 years ago.  When I discovered my unique circuitry and how I was to serve best, the hardships I had endured in my life felt well worth the struggles.  It’s the integration period that is probably the hardest for me.  I need to test out my theories before I can implement them into my practice.  Hence my excitement when I can piggy back on the cycles and rhythm with nature to gain momentum and that catapults me to be the best version of myself.  The Equinox is a rhythm in nature I find useful and helps  me get back to center.  A step I take into the truth of who I am becoming.  Today, because I understand my unique blue print I am a lot more, gentle with myself and simultaneously create a process of allowance and resilience to embrace the ever changing cycles, cosmic flows, and life as we know it.

Suffice to say that I truly had the intention of providing you a space to help you ascend towards a better version of yourself in this Spring Equinox, by hosting a planting of seeds ceremony of your becoming, but my soul has other plans.  I am fighting an energy surge that is creating a vortex within me that I am going deeper with myself knowing full well that I will be coming up with a lot more to offer my tribe and in return understanding that my medicine bag is going to expand.  So, I won’t be hosting a Vernal Equinox this Spring, but I would like to extend you an invitation to go deep with me, if you feel called to do so.

Right now, I am just giving myself the gift of time and if we are in the same cycle, I encourage you to gift yourself time as well.  Are there events, scenarios in your life that have been taking a lot of energy out of you? Do you feel frustration and depleted that these events/scenarios have absorbed your energy? Now, I have a lot of experience in this ebb and flow, if you do the exercise below and still feel stuck, I am available for you to get an Ebb and Flow Chart  Human Design consult with me.  However this may be seasonal for you or you don’t feel that nudge so keep reading.  I want to walk you down a path of self care.

First I want to hold that space for you to refrain from limiting thoughts wherein, telling yourself that it’s wrong, you shouldn’t feel this way, and neglecting the fact that you’re exercising a form of growth, because all of that is truly self-sabotaging.

Truth be told that if everything is great, would you ever take the time to contemplate?  No, right?  So understand that you are here to feel it for a reason.  What that looks like for you is very personal isn’t it.  For me too.  So what have I been doing about this?  How do I walk this path and how is it that I get out of it?  It’s not always the same scenery, I shall preface.  Here is one that I would like to share with you.

I have been integrating the gift of time for myself.  After all, I can’t tell you all to meditate, create sacred space, and walk your talk if I am not doing it myself.  I KNOW it is a lot harder than said.  From the Winter Solstice to the Spring Equinox I have been on a personal cycle taking my time to create a routine for myself, taking on projects that I am passionate about and truly have been on this creative streak, which is sort of ass backwards because in the winter, it’s supposedly the dead of winter, a time of reflection and contemplation.  The time is now, in the Spring, that the emergence of rebirth and planting the seeds is starting to simmer.   Yet, I was emerging during winter, and while I have plenty of energy to be of service, I am still going through my thing.  The last couple of days I have been feeling extremely lethargic and just feeling like dead of winter.  Do I have tools, yes.  But do you?

Key to self empowerment is understanding what is happening outside of yourself and acknowledging that it is a fact, beyond your control.  However, always with faith and trusting that you will come out the other side well and wise.  In other words, don’t panic!

If you are on the same cycle as I am, I am inviting you on a self care journey.  No not a bubble bath, indulging on bon-bons, and a face mask kind of self care; although that doesn’t sound like a bad thing, it’s a temporary feeling and not really resolving the issue.  Matter of fact it’s distracting and trust that you will need a hell of a lot more me time, by avoiding yourself!  Takes too much energy, doesn’t it?  I am talking a real self care program of observance, contemplation, rest, and take in the beauty that you were too busy to take in while you are looking at your phone, answering to people, taking care of your family, and/or your friends.  All while you are being an excellent employee at work!  These are noise makers, yes, and also energy zappers.

Take the time to observe the moon and the sun dance around each other.  Speaking of which, today will be in perfect balance as the veil will be thin (equinox), and the new moon is a time to set your intentions.  I personally love to do a spiral spread at each solstice and equinox.  I journal, and create intentions.  I document my own spiritual growth.  I call it the checks and balances of my life.  After all, while my clients have me, who has my back right?  To answer that question, my journal and definitely my own masters and teachers whom I respect.  The Spiral spread is a tool I use to sort of pace myself and see the layers of my spiritual growth currently reside.  I also notate important opportunities that are to come within the next three months of my life.  I invite you to get one done, I offer them if you so choose to get yours done.  The energy is most potent right around the equinox and the solstice but not mandatory that you get one done ON the Equinox, it can be a day or two later.

When, Exactly, Will The Vernal Equinox Emerge?

The Vernal Equinox will be happening at 9:15 am PDT  and 12:15 pm EDT.  I invite you to sit down 15 minutes prior to the precise moment of the equinox and shift your awareness to Nature, feeling what is occurring.  If you are working, no problem, do it after work!  After all, this is all energy, the potency is high but it lasts a couple of days!!! So just set some time out for yourself today.  Be outside!!!

What Can You Do?

When you can, sit outside for mood elevation.  Grab a pen and paper.  I invite you to focus on your projects, actions required to bring your vision into form.  Don’t write, just visualize.  Share with Nature and the elementals what you wish to include with your personal life cycle and your business cycle, if those are your intentions.  Do they intertwine?  Do you need balance?  Most importantly ask for guidance.  Listen and then begin writing.  For the next fifteen minutes, just listen and write.  Don’t judge, don’t worry about punctuation, don’t think!!!! Just write.  If you are reading this after the equinox, find the time to do this today or the earliest tomorrow!

Finally, after you have finished indulging in the Earths most fruitful bath, go for a walk.  Thank Mother Earth for her beauty of all is and listen to the birds and don’t chase the thoughts.  Let them flow through you.  You’ve got time.  All you have is time.  Make time.

Let me know if you would like to explore more during this Spring Equinox with Mercury Retrograde fast approaching (begins March 22nd).  It happens three times out of the year and this time it’s under combative Aries, wowzers!  It is utterly my busiest times during the year.  But I leave you with these words, don’t be afraid, bless your mess as you are shedding what no longer serves you, and embracing your new skin.

In Munay, Your Inca Healing Goddess.

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Picture of Liz Saal de Casas

Liz Saal de Casas

A multifaceted soul on a mission to ignite the inner fire of empowerment and healing within each individual she encounters. A born Psychic, Healer, Teacher and Soul Coach Liz draws upon her innate gifts and ancestral wisdom to guide others on their journey of self-discovery and transformation. As a facilitator and host of the Red Tent Lady Code, Liz creates sacred space where women can gather, connect, and explore the depths of their feminine essence.

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