Human Design is what I like to call the Maserati of Natal Charts. As a Human Design Analyst, I take a deep and complex body of knowledge and break it down into terminology that is tangible and palpable to give you a complete understanding of how you work, with others, based on your Type, Profile, and Authority. At a glance, it seems as if I am offering very little information in this Themed Analysis Report. However, each piece of this ‘puzzle’ is the nuts and bolts that open a whole new paradigm and offer a shift as you learn about your role in the world, including how your inner and outer circle affect you.
While there are many layers in Human Design, each one is crafted into a Mandala which is a Bodygraph that carries 9 Centers, 64 Gates, 34 Channels, and that is just the surface. It is built on many layers of information and how they inter-relate as a whole creating your unique design and often referred to as a blueprint of your soul. The components have the ancient observational systems of Astrology, I’Ching, Hindu-Brahmin Chakras, the Tree of life from the Zohar/Kabbalist Traditions, Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Genetics, and Biochemistry. Each layer has a particular meaning and offers you an opportunity to explore and experiment with your nature, evolving consciousness, bringing you clarity as to a piece of the reason for your existence in this world. See why I call it the Maserati of Natal Charts? The Introduction and Basics are designed to give you a full understanding of how you participate on many levels in many different ways, and how you can succeed just by knowing the truth of who you are.
Human Design Intro and Basics comes with a downloadable Human Design Chart. An MP3 recording introducing Human Design and the basic components of your unique design, which you can keep, for life. Two (2) Pen-Pal exchanges, Soul Coaching Interactive, with me. Downloadable Seeds Workbook to dive deep into the truth of who you are, and a 30 Minute 1:1 follow-up session after you have had an opportunity to hear your MP3 so that I may answer any questions you may feel inspired to ask, based on the report, assessment, and tools given to you to fulfill your understanding of your unique human design.
The 1:1 Session is scheduled 30 days after delivering your MP3 Themed Human Design Report or later/sooner (based on your personal human design and how you integrate the information).
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